Mobile Physical Therapy that values you!

We are passionate about helping you enjoy the activities you love by providing high quality physical therapy. We are a mobile physical therapy provider, therefore, our team will come to your home, office or the location of choice most convenient to you.*

At Lifetime Physical Therapy patient care is our top priority. With appointment locations more accommodating than traditional Physical Therapy, you will be more consistent to achieve and maintain your mobility goals.

*Location must be within our service area and must be a safe and legal location for our shared use.

  • Experienced.

    Our physical therapists have a deep understanding of your needs from years of experience working in skilled nursing and out-patient facilities.

  • Caring.

    Our mission is to make physical therapy accessible and open to older adults looking to improve mobility to enjoy the activities which bring joy to life.

  • Passionate.

    Committing to physical therapy is easier when you remove the obstacle of transportation. We are passionate about supporting your goals and we come to you!

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Service Areas

Our team is currently serving the Greater Boston Area from Boston to Attleboro and Framingham to Bridgewater.


Benefits of Mobile Physical Therapy

Physical therapy provides proven results to increase your mobility and decrease pain. Consistency is key to enjoying the benefits provided by your therapy so we make it easy by coming to you!


Benefits of Mobile Physical Therapy

Physical therapy provides proven results to increase your mobility and decrease pain. Consistency is key to enjoying the benefits provided by your therapy so we make it easy by coming to you!

We are here for you.